To Members of Parliament:

Print a copy of the postcard below and send it to your representative.

"In the discussion surrounding Canada’s prostitution laws, I am concerned about the acceptance of the decriminalization of brothels. Decriminalizing brothels will entrench the exploitation of women in Canada:
  • There is a serious lack of evidence that indoor sex work is safer than street-based. (1)
  • There IS evidence that the sex industry has flourished in countries where brothels have been decriminalized. (2)
  • Decriminalizing brothels has led to increased human trafficking and child exploitation(3)
  • Those involved in survival sex have been further victimized by the decriminalization of brothels. These women do not fit the mold for brothels and are often pushed into the illegal underground, becoming further criminalized and/or lack support services. (4)
  • I believe that legitimizing prostitution in Canada will further the exploitation of ALL women in our society. (5)
I want the Canadian government to

  • Supporting and funding education and employment strategies for marginalized women,
  • Providing more female-specific de-tox beds,
  • Facilitating affordable housing,
  • Funding long-term comprehensive exit programs
  • Implementing preventative education campaigns."

