4 - further victimizing women in street-based/survival prostitution

-In Australia, "women in street prostitution have experienced increased difficulty in exiting. The normalisation of prostitution leads to lack of support services, as these are often curtailed by brothel owners." Julie Bindel and Liz Kelly, "A Critical Examination of Responses to Prostitution in Four Countries: Victoria, Australia; Ireland; the Netherlands; and Sweden," For the Routes Out Partnership Board, Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University, 2003, p 19

-"I have often doubted since we legalized the brothels, whether we did the right thing," said Femke Halsema, a member of Parliament who advocated the measure. "For me, it was a question of emancipation and liberation for the women. But for now it is working the other way." Suzanne Daley, "New Rights for Dutch Prostitutes but No Gain," New York Times, August 12, 2001.

-"One expressed goal of legalized prostitution advocates is to move prostituted women indoors into brothels and clubs where they would be allegedly less vulnerable than in street prostitution. However, many women are in street prostitution because they want to avoid being controlled and exploited by pimps (transformed in legalized systems into sex businessmen). Other women do not want to register or submit to health checks, as required by law in some countries where prostitution is legalized. Thus, legalization may actually drive some women into street prostitution. "

Janice G. Raymond, The Consequences of Legal Policy on Prostitution and Trafficking in Women, Budapest, Hungary, May 28, 2004

5- furthering the exploitation of ALL women

-“Moreover, it is the task of all forces of society to take into consideration the problematic effects of the commercialization of sexuality of the society’s gender-role images and its negative effects on the goal of an emancipated partnership. It is also a task of society to sensitize, in the framework of a value-oriented discussion, boys and men regarding their responsiblity.” Solidarity With Women in Distress, (SOLWIDI), Germany, April 2007

-“What will be the . . . outcome of struggles against sexual harassment and violence in the home, the workplace, or the street, if men can buy the right to perpetrate these very acts against women in prostitution?”
Jean D'Cunha, Legalizing prostitution: In search of alternatives from a gender and rights perspective. (2003)